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Slept through most of today - sinuses still really just ripping the shit out of the inside of my skull. I've been sleeping a lot lately but not feeling rested at all - waking up as exhausted as I go to bed. I am way too stressed out, and I really shouldn't be. I'm just tired of stuff, every day I feel like I'm getting closer and closer to just packing it all up and moving into a shack on some island somewhere, taming stray dogs and drawing comics that nobody will ever see. I keep pushing and pushing myself 'cause I know that that's the only way I'll grow, but I'm just so tired, so tired of always moving forward, and I just want to fold my pillow and fold my hands and close my eyes and sleep for a while. |
Only African-Americans get my costume - out on the streets, bouncing from party to party, bypassers of the honky persuasion seem to break down to 80% "Oh, he's in the doghouse! How clever" and 20% "Snoopy!" which WTF, when did Snoopy ever walk around with his head in a doghouse. To counterbalance, 100% of black folks respond with "Yukk!" (or variant, Yukkmouth), "Man, I remember that show!" So what is the deal here? Was there some racial profiling amongst viewers of the Plastic Man Comedy/Adventure Hour? |
Friday, finally - this week has dragged and dragged. I really just want to listen to loud music and put the finishing touches on my Halloween costume. Band practice tonight first, though, then RSO's first city show which I'm obligated to attend. And then home to finish up the creating. The head is done, now I gotta get white cartoon character gloves, some kind of footwear, and - ugh - a tail. IS THIS THE FURST STEP DOWN THE SLIDE TO FURRYDOM??? No. |
Fairly amusing short interview with me here - a couple other ones coming up as seemingly, suddenly, I am deserving of the attention of the press. Still exhausted, still not sleeping that well, still coughing up green-yellow lung butters, still not wanting to be at work right now. Sigh. |
Man, I slept like shit last night - got home late from watching game 3 of the series over at Neil's, couldn't rest, played a little Katamari Damacy, drank some water, tossed, turned, coughed, et cetera. Eventually managed to konk out at about 3AM, alarm goes off at 7, I fitfully sleep 'til 8, wake up, throw on some clothes and now here I am, at work and feeling like warmed over shit on a cold bathroom floor. Only seven and a half hours to go. |
R.I.P. John Peel - I suppose all we can do is try to make the world a better place for rock & roll in your image. Winter's coming, I've got the radio (or the CD player stocked up with unlistened mixes from the FYC exchange, 'cause NYC radio sucks except for WFMU) under the blankets in bed and it's just loud enough that nobody else can hear it and I'm remembering what it's like to hear the Ramones for the first time, to hear somebody yelp into a microphone, the first time I wildly flailed your arms along with a drum fill because I had to do it, the first band I was in, the first band I ever saw, the first note I ever played, the first song I ever wrote. This can never die, never never die. This can never die. |
barkakakakakakakaka: i was awakened half an hour early due to the onset of MY PERIOD kthorjensen: what, like some blood squirted into your eye? |
Amazing band practice today - after a few weeks layoff, we all expected rust and grackle but pleasantly surprised by fast, sharp, tight togetherness. A few new songs worked on, and one older one retired due to not being what I want it to be, and came out the ned of the three hours buzzing with excitement, which we then doused in Chinese soups. Trying to make hash of the notes and tabulature I scrawled down now, to transcribe it for th' world to see and hear. Man! We still need a drummer though. |
I have made the decision to spend as many waking hours as possible in my pajamas this weekend, as I am death poor and need to get a thousand pages of comics done. So I did that - watched movies, constructed, drew drew drew drew, etc etc. Sleepy, happy, relaxed. Not much for interesting reading but it was necessary living. |
Seized by the uncontrollable desire to remodel the front page at 5:45 this afternoon, managed to have it done and up by 6:15, I like it. Then went home, rented movies ridiculous and sublime (Mean Girls, May and the Five Obstructions), worked on my halloween costume, drew, cleaned the room, organized, and went to bed solidly fulfilled. |
Wow, I like baseball a little bit. I also like drawing and eating spider rolls. Tonight I think I'm going to like assembling some furniture and drawing. Very busy today - lots going on. More tomorrow. |
Didn't end up seeing Mclusky last night - decided to rest my aborning throat cold, to little positive results - already starting to hack up the yellow stuff, so I'm predicting some time spent in bed choogling down the vitamin C and bemoaning, bewailing. Finally finished mounting that painting last night - wrapping it tonight, hopefully packing and shipping tomorrow. I've got to improvise a mighty structure to prevent it from being damaged - I see a roll of bubble wrap being sacrificed to the cause. Also staying in tonight 'cause it's Game 7 of the series that made me love baseball again. Blood! Riots! Cheating! This rules. |
Wiping it on you, final results. Hee hee hee hee hee. I almost got it into New York magazine but alas. Any ideas for a new one? Also: I'm not wild about baseball but man this Red Sox/Yankees series has been nail-biting - record long games, super suspenseful, incredibly awesome. Also: Mclusky at the Knitting Factory tonight, you should go. |
COLD! Hellacious, almost impossible cold! I'm tri-layered (shirt, sweater, coat) for the first time this year and even that's not really doing the trick, as I shiver'd to the subway station in a speed-walk hush this morning. I'm thinking it's gonna be a cold one - those lucky Left Coasters are getting a burst of indian summer right now, from what I hear, but us hardy Eastanahs, as is our wont, get hammered by the cold tip of Jack Frost's icicle prick. And it's only mid-October. |
It's been a tough week for being angry. I've been increasingly reminded that the natural condition for human life in the 2K4 seems to be convincing yourself that you're the only person on earth and it's totally right and natural for you to infringe on other people's rights, space and time as much as you like as long as you're happy. I don't understand how people can live here (or even visit here), the most beautiful, glorious city known to man, and yet manage to be so completely oblivious to their surroundings. And yet, every day, I can barely walk down the street to my office because clots of people are completely blocking the sidewalk. My email box is crowded full of useless junk. I walk down the street from my house and see people just throwing litter willy-nilly on the streets of their own neighborhood. I feel like an old man, like courtesy and kindness and respect have become relics of a completely different time and the fucking douches are just going to steamroller over it all. Not that I'm an exemplar of behavior - short-fused, sometimes drunk and raving or pissing outside - but at least I throw my fucking Snickers wrapper in the trashcan. |
Cross-posted to NYC Craigslist Missed Connections. I was the regular-sized, mostly sober young man very excited to be seeing one of my favorite bands in the world touring in support of a great new album. You were the enormous, balding, fratboy-washout douchebag in a baseball cap with an "O" on it, long-sleeved white shirt, Corona bottle tucked classily into your back pocket. When the Fall started playing, you began a retarded 1990s moshpit technique of throwing your enormous Sasquatch body back-first into anybody in your vicinity, including several women barely half your size, with no rythym or even any sign that you were listening to the music at all. Listen, I know what it's like to be excited and love a band so much they make you want to break yourself in half, but you're just an asshole (and so was your sleazebag buddy in the leather jacket who looked like Rowdy Roddy Piper's mongoloid halfbrother who was doing the same thing.) Fuck you. Fuck your stupid thickneck moshpit antics. Fuck you. FUCK YOU. I just want to say that if I ever see you again, I'm going to cut off your motherfucking balls and staple them to your eyelids and then shove that Corona bottle so far up your fucking ass that your breath will smell like limes for a week. Fuck you, you douchebag. Oh, PS: to the wasted Hispanic dude with the pussylip mustache who was throwing ice cubes into the crowd, yelling "Where's Julian? Where's the Strokes? Where's Interpol" and constantly trying to get everybody around him to pay attention to him - when you climbed on the stage during the second song, stood right in front of MES and waved your arms to the crowd and the bouncer hauled your stupid ass out of the club, hopefully giving you a few shots to your empty dome for good measure, I was very happy. |
I've got a hangover creature in my terror-belly today so I'm slouching, farting, etc. It was payday so I want to go looking for a new black mid-temperature jacket after (or perhaps during) work today. And then, you all should come to the House of Twelve release party tonight because I'm in the book and hanging some art and it's sick, sick, sick. And then follow me to Brooklyn and we'll see the Fall together. And then I'll give birth to tomorrow's terror creature, mayhaps. Indeed! |
Man, long day - up early and at the office by 7:30 to get a proposal out the door, finished it up and got it on the man's desk with 7 minutes to spare, and now I'm just concerned with riding the rest of the day out. And shaving - I need to shave. IQU tonight @ Tribeca Rock Club - drop me a line if you're in town and wanna go. I got a lot to do today - wish me luck. |
Finally, tonight I get a goddamned haircut! My shag-top is at the level where it's curling and poofing and just generally becoming a management nightmare, and I haven't had a minute of free time in the last few weeks to go get it sheared at my regular barber (and I'll be fizzucked if I evah do a walk-in cheap-cut again). So, tonight, leaving work an hour or so early to get shorn, then off to pick up the BB&PPInc print that I got at SPX from the framer, and then to the 7:35 showing of A Dirty Shame - lemme know if you're interested in taggin' along. |
Ok here's those Hindu Temple Association drawings I was talking about. Lots going on this week - two good shows, out of town visitors, et cetera - doing a decent job of keeping everything balanced so far. We'll see if I can keep the plates spinning, though. Wearing my winter coat for the first time today. It's still really nice. |
COLUMBUS! WAS A HERO TO MOST! BUT HE NEVER MEANT SHIT TO ME! Except for the fact that it seems most of my co-workers have taken the day off, leaving me adrift and drawing, writing, coloring and being happy. It got cold, yo! The mercury is dropping like it's hot (paradoxically) and I'm bundled up in hood & sweaters trying to keep the frostbite from gumming me to deeth. Stay warm, y'all. |
This weekend's the climaxxx of Open House NYC where all sorts of great architecture is open to the public for exploring. Saturday I went to the Grand Lodge of the Masons on 23rd street and was flummoxed by the revelation that the building's like a Masonic Hive, each floor housing one or two individual Masonic lodges, all seperate, all designed architecturally different. In contrast, today I went out to the Hindu Temple Society in Flushing, which was beautiful and colorful and strange and all housed within one large room. I should have some drawings up of the second soonish. |
So over the course of last week, mysterious emails from somebody wanting to buy a Dragonguyver CD in the city, but couldn't use PayPal and couldn't meet me at my office - smelled an obvious Killer set-up, for sheez. Decided to go along with it anyways, trust my trigger finger to defend me, and headed to the meet-up location in th' new Columbus Circle mallscape. Met the contact, had my squirter tucked in pocket but by the time I got suspicious enough to act there was a damp spot on the back of my dome. Alas, punk'd! Well played, too. Then we went out to th' hotel bar for drinks and I stoggled homeward, dead. |
Friday's here, finally - this week has zoomed by like a crazy train, but I got a ton of drawing and other stuff done. This weekend I've got a few social engagements but really I want to once and for all clean my room - buy some legs for my horizontal shelf and get it off the floor so I can store stuff underneath it, organize my catastrophe closet into some semblance of functionality, et cetera. In better news, we mounted the painting last night so that's finally going out to my long-suffering client, closing the books on some orders that have been languishing (getting to within a month's fulfillment, not bad for me), and generally (hopefully) putting ducks in a row. I like ducks. |
Fun comics jam last night - felt in good spirits all told, bought some drinks, drew some dick jokes, everybody wins. Left a little early to stumblebum home and get some real drawing done - still riding the post-SPX high of loving comics and the making and reading of comics, feeling the ink flow through my tender veins again. |
I hope you all watched the debates last night because whoo! Man that Cheney's a bit of a lying scumbag. Also please note that he was displaying a total dishonest man's body language - hands tight, eyes shifting, posture hunched. Yo! I'm not super-crazy about the Dem candidates but fuck, we can sure do better than fucking Goober & Gollum. I hope you all vote the fuck out of yourselves in November, gentle readers. |
No kill - staked his workplace for an hour and change but didn't spot the target - this could be tougher than I thought, as his working hours are diametrically opposed to mine and I really have things I like to do in the evening hours like sleep and draw and eat dinner. But I will not be deterred! In other news, drawing like a crazyman to get some things finished, even more excited to get Red Eye, Black Eye finished as response to it at the show was damn positive and I want to get it all printed up and in your local book emporium to be sold! OK! Do that now! |
Back to the city, back to work - I have a kill to do tonight, been putting it off too long, so that'll go down wet this evening after he gets off work. Still haven't seen hide nor hair of my assassin - getting a little antsy waiting for them to show their face. Not to concerned that I'll be able to outwit or outshoot them, but want to have that showdown so I can get on to other things. Really excited to start drawing tonight - in love with comics once again. It's a good feeling, that. |
Sunday's a writeoff - moved some stuff but mostly just sat around and nursed my hangover before bottling up & go. Didn't take the Chinese bus back as Gabe was heading to New Haven and managed to detour to the BQE, where I slouched to the G stop laden down with comics and got home around 12:30, my bed yawning forth to embrace me, but I was still awake enough to read some of my swag before nodding off into sleep country USA. |
Saturday was a good day - sales were brisk and pleasing, met a lot of interesting people, made a lot of interesting money, and then at the end of the day went out for dinner (Thai) with MZA, Ivy and Gabe, and then out to Eran's astonishing collapsing black hole of a house, where I shared a little Evil Video and drank a number of beers and pet a number of dogs (less dogs than beers) before fleeing to sleep on a sofa - much better than a closet. |
Woke up at 5AM, finished packing my bags and headed down to Chinatown to grab the 8AM bus to DC. Finished stapling and folding on the bus, already ragged, set up my table, sold some books, my neighbor across the aisle was this guy who was selling the most awesomely ridiculous Ayn Rand-influenced advice comics of all time, and I proceeded to frantically shill his stuff the entire show because it was just so crazy. At the end of the day I packed up, ate some great lamb with orzo and slept folded in half in a hotel closet. |