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So here's an illustration of our costumes:![]() That's E. on the right. Photos coming soon. |
Note to self (undated) art for acceptance/validation art to feed those feelings art that incorporates those feelings art ABOUT those feelings |
Whooo, that free Johnnie Walker whiskey tasting thing last night did a number on me - I just can't help chorking down free booze as it's put in front of me, and by the end of it (and several purloined sips from E's glasses as she looked away) I was pretty stagger lee, so instead of hitting the 801 show I hit the north and chundered back to Queens and bed instead. |
Today is the first day that I really realized the impending crashdown of Christmas - time to make several dozen absurd plans for presents that won't come true (like last year's photobooks, pinatas and other crunk) and try to make plans to visit the other-coastal relatives (is it too much to ask that they all come out East instead?) and just the general speedway to stressout that is the holiday season. Ah, well - hopeflly I'll get some good swag out of it. |
Woke up early to do more costume work - going to have to abandon an initial plan and adapt to doing things slightly differently, which is par for the course in this kind of thing. Off to the art supply store in a few minutes to get a big tub of pink paint and some black fiberboard. Yes, I am dropping hints, but I can't help it - this is one of those ideas that's too good to keep under the hatband completely. Four more days. |
E. and I slept in and then got to work on her costume - or, rather, the enormous cabeza of her costume, which has been placed under my care as she constructs the body. It's going to be an all-out sprint to get it done before Friday, but if anybody can do it it's me, master of the foolish project. I stayed in for the rest of the day, drawing and rocking and sculpting. |
Today was dedicated to one thing and one thing only: getting my sorry self up to the Colossal Colon and checking out how that shit works from the inside. It was predictably demented, with a lot of disturbing growths and polyps to freak out any internalist, but the best thing was overhearing a nearby security guard talking about it, to wit: "Yeah, it's cool, but it'd be even better if they were giving out free hot dogs." |
We've finally got a halloween costume for E. mapped out, but it's going to take an armload of work to get it done in a week. Luckily for her, I'm at my best when building ridiculous things against impossible odds, so there'll be pictures of said amazing costume here for you in a week and you'll shit your trousers CLEAN OFF! This is a promise that I am making to you and your trousers. I still don't know what I'm gonna be, though. |
Scanner at the office is still being all glitchy, making production of my "graphic novel" a lot more frustrating than it should be. Ah well - if it went easy, it wouldn't be art - although it's more than a little debatable whether it's art at all. Anyways, the upside of all this is that I'm behind schedule, again, again. I'm actually ahead on the drawing but behind on the scanning and shading and uploading, so maybe i'm tied? Or something? |
Some of the songs I wrote sometimes sounded kinda like 3rd-rate reject Elliot Smith songs and I was pretty OK with that. Best, wherever you are. |
Not much going on, sad to say - just getting the winter fat laid on to keep me insulated while I hibernate. E. got the job teachin' underprivileged kids how to snowboard this winter so I'm gonna be on my own lookout most weekends while she hits the powder - maybe I should take up some sort of exercise-related hobby? I've been thinking about investigating some form of martial art - not for self defense as much for general health. I'm pretty flexible but my cardio sucks a cat's ass and I can barely lift a mid-size dog. Any suggestions? |
Extremely difficult to get out of bed this morning, not for any fear of the outside but rather just too used to the weekend routine of ignoring the alarm and mummying up in the blankets for an extra hour or so of bleary-eyed bliss. Alas, I eventually had to hop out and head to work - can't make the payments on the mattress without it. |
We were supposed to trundle up to the Bronx this morning for a 40-mile bike ride but the rain and the thinking Daylight Saving Time was this weekend (don't ask) and the general soft pillows, warm bed and gentle morning schnoozling led to that really not happening so we went and saw Kill Bill instead, which was absolutely amazing, and then we piggybacked on to an Oktoberfest party, beered and sausaged, and then I went home to go to bed and wake up every 15 minutes needing to pee. |
It's starting to get real cold in the city - E. just bought her new winter coat and I'm shopping for one as well - no matter how many layers I hustle and bundle in, the cold air comes peeking through. We went thrifting today, trying to cobble together some sort of Halloween costume, last-minute as always. I was trying to get E. to go as Gene Shalit to my Rip Taylor but that fell on unappreciative ears, and our Young Ones foresome still lacks a Mike. Any suggestions? |
If this was Glasgow it'd be over by now, you'd be lying on your back in the street / I could stand on my own two feet but I just don't want to / If this was Berlin we could have slept in in your apartment overlooking the square / I could act like I just don't care but I just don't want to CHORUS But this is Alaska and the water's so cold /I hope we thaw out before we get old / Together VERSE If this was Tokyo where we met long ago we could rewind and start all over again / I could act like we were just friends but I just don't want to / If this was Madrid where we held and we hid from your parents as they traveled the world / I could be with another girl but I just don't want to CHORUS But this is Alaska and the water's so cold / I hope we thaw out before we get old / But this is Alaska and nights are so long / I hope you wake up so we can finish our song / Together |
Back to work but it's an empty office due to sicknesses and crises so I'm not too upset about it. Yesterday was payday and for once I'm not living paycheck to paycheck, which is a certain comfort in itself. And tomorrow's Friday and the weekend's looking good (if busy) and it's all looking pretty fine indeed. I have to run my flat bicycle tire to the store for a replacement so I'm going to go do that now, OK? OK. |
Took Nao and her visiting ladyfriend down to Flatbush to eat at Veggie Castle, the prior-mentioned vegetarian Carribean joint housed in a former slider dispensary. I had a little trepidation about escorting two light-skinned dykes into the midst of Halie Selassie country but everything went smooth as silk and before we knew it we were glomphing down barbecued soy and listening to bad reggae as leaves blew by in the wind outside. |
It's just moe of the regular grind today - Douglas and Leela's Eno-covering side project is playing tonight at the Hook and I'm more than a little jealous - I was supposed to be int his band too until I realized that there was no way in green hell I had the time to possibly learn a dozen Brian Eno songs and practice them regularily and also work 40 hours a week, draw 3-6 pages of comics, make sweet passionate sexy lovemaking to my beautiful lady and do all the other crapazoo I need to do. So out the window it went. |
Back to work on Native Indigenous Columbians day and basically nobody but me is even here so I can stretch out and draw at my desk, and this unprecedented opportunity ain't going by wasted. I've got a huge thing of ink lying out and I'm slapping it down on a bunch of different pieces of paper. Unlike those normal weekdays when the clock seems to drag from minute to minute, it's whizzing around the dial so fast that I barely have my shoes off before it's time to go home. |
Why yes, we were originally planning to get up early and explore illegal tunnels and abandoned parts of Manhattan, thank you, but good goddamn did those blankets feel warm on our bodies, good goddamn did that sun feel good on our brows, and we ended up staying in bed 'til near the noontime bell. So with plans dashed, I took another day of lazy work, getting a passel of painting and drawing done but mostly just loging around the apartment, making grandiose decorating plans and drinking large glasses of water. |
After staying in most of the day getting a boatload of drawing and room-cleaning done, E. and me went down to the Manhattan Indoor Motor Speedway (aka some tango dance loft that some hillbillies had rented and set up slot-car tracks in) to get about as close to Nascar racing excitement as I am willing to get. The best thing about it was some beardo dressed up as the ghost of Dale Earnhardt (a blasphemy that would give my sister's in-laws fits) and the worst thing would probably be that all they had to drink was Coors Light and absinthe. We bailed before our turn at the wheel came up to try to go see "Lost Boys" at midnight (failed) and then back to Queens on a quiet Saturday night. |
You know what's totally fucking awesome? Misinterpreting people. It turns out that E. actually had a job interview for a part-time winter job with a charity program teaching inner city kids how to snowboard on weekends. But, of course, only knowing half the facts, my crazy brain spun a web of suck-ass a million miles long that put me in a funk for most of yesterday afternoon. Luckily we talked it out and managed to put me right so tonight's the night for dinner-cooking, thankfully. No more thinking for me - it hurts too much. |
The original entry that I had here this morning was about how I was looking forward to cooking for E. tonight, as she had some salmon in the fridge and I had a recipe or two that'd been sitting around, but apparently she'd raher go out with some snowboarder dude tonight so that's that then. |
Hardcore sinusitis relapse - went to sleep last night feeling perky and drunk and chipper and woke up feeling like somebody shoved a cinderblock up my nose the hard way. It was well-nigh impossible to scrape me up off of E's mattress and send me on my way to work but somehow I pulled it off, downing bottle after bottle of fluids and setting my course for the end of the day, werein I would take a hot salt bath and go straight to bed. And I did! |
As the weather gets colder, getting out of bed gets just that much harder. I've got a pretty sweet setup and thus find myself hammering down the snooze button four, five times before finally working up the gumption to sling my legs over the side and start putting on pants. The True Porn release party is tonight at the local dildotorium so I'm all gussied up fancy to impress the smut-hounds and booze-hounds. Should be a good time. |
Back to work again - there's some kind of mental shift going on in my noggin lately, as my attitude towards the workplace seems to be bursting out of the chrysalis into - something, couldn't tell you what. I'm trying to make the stress and angriness that this place gives me (for a variety of reasons - low pay, no respect, long hours) get to me less - a combination of hydration, fastidious hour-monitoring and regular federally mandated breaks will hopefully help me out here. Wish me luck. |
I don't know what part of me was stupid enough to think that some "extreme sports" event sponsored by Red Bull would be anywhere near "fun" but that was the part that was in control as I found myself surrounded by several thousand fratboys and loudspeakers at the first NYC "Flugtag" - Kraut for "Flight Day." Yes, the concept of a bunch of idiots building ramshackle gliders and piloting them off of a ramp into the frosty Hudson River seems a can't-miss, but miss it did, as the enormo crowds and ear-splitting terror volume conspired to re-ignite the migraine and I got out of there fast. |
The migraine continued well into last night, paralyzing me (and by association E.) into a night of beer-drinking and watching Family Guy DVDs. Not, admittedly, the nation's hardest-partying Friday night. Woke up twelve hours or so later and went out for brunch, and then I retired back to the studio (aka my bedroom and jerkin' closet) to try to get some work done on projects. Had a pretty productive gray, rainy afternoon and then, after a detour or two, went straight back to bed. |
Friday, finally, and I'm laid up with a head-cracker of a migraine but am valiantly trying to final-countdown the day out the door. As of this writing, it's less than a half an hour more to get done, and I'm fairly confident that I can pull it off without grevious injury. From there, it's off to spend an evening in with E. (also feeling similarily shitty) before a weekend that, God willing, will result in some entertaining reports 'round these parts come Monday. Wish me luck. |
Back to work, things are looking reasonably positive (if busy) at the ol' office so I'm energetic and hard-charging, which is I suppose pretty great. This week's comic is going to be late 'cuz of a crisis at Kinko's but you'll get it tomorrow aft'noon at the latest - until then it's nose to the grindstone and balls to the wall. Man, that's an uncomfortable position - glad I've been doing yoga. |
Spent 15 hours straight in bed sleeping the pain away and woke up a little after noon feeling mostly refreshed and revitalized. Kept it low-impact for most of the day, not wanting to push my luck any, and then geared up to mooch some free whiskey off Johnny Walker with E. However, due to mix-ups and forgetfulness, we were turfed at the door (not without a free bottle of hooch, though) and ended up going to see Lost in Translation instead, which was an atrocious mistake. Yes, Sofia Coppola, we get it, everybody is phony and nobody understands the quiet fat girl. Now stop making movies and TV shows and bad clothes and shut up and go home. Luckily, we had that bottle of whiskey. |