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02292004 | |
An extra day's a gift, a blessing - woke up and headed out to the shelter for the first time in far too long to walk some dogs, only to find that there was nobody there at all - maybe they cease to exist on leap years? Boggled around Wmsbrg for a while, came back, still nobody home so the day's dogwalkings would have to postpone for latertimes. Headed home and pumped up my bicycle tires to keep expanding my exploratory map of Queens, stayed out a little later than expected so ended up missing the pirate parade but O well - no regrets on this one. Thanks, earth's orbit and variance - bring us closer still to the sun. |
Looks to be spring, finally, as groundhog prognostications ring fruitfully false when the sun comes up on a beautiful, mild Saturday morning. I basically manage to spend nearly all the daylight hours outside except for a brief break to hit the pool, and it went down as a truly fine Saturday for all told. Kept accidentally zipping my coat and throwing my hood up when I stepped outside, only to realize that I didn't have to anymore. And about damned time, too. |
Barely a second to write this, let alone porrfread it, as I'm bashing my nimble noggin against the dreaded deadline doom. However, despite some enormous stumbling blocks, everything is looking remarkably positive for the accomplishing of said tasks - which just goes to show, that even at my most down and out, I get the shit done. And, goddammit, that has to count for something. I think the water just broke in that rancloud I've been carrying around - let's get this party started, right? |
The endless week that would not end and didn't have an ending to end on grinds on - was supposed to go see "Afro-Punk" at BAM tonight, but got to the theater precisely three minutes post-sellout. It's these little defeats that are getting me down lately - mising deadlines, not being able to lift as much weight as I think I should be able to, little computer problems - nothing that should be crushing, but somehow I'm waking up flatter by the day. |
I'm feeling a little weird today - ribcage expanding into doubt/worry over this, that and the other thing, I have so much to do to not disappoint anybody (myself included and #1 on that list, where I should be), and so little time to accomplish it all. I keep telling myself "OK, after this deadline you'll be able to breathe easier, after you finish this up there's not going to be new crap that needs to be done" but there always is, there's always some new exciting thing that grabs me by the nuts and says PAY ATTENTION TO ME A LOT OK!?!?! and the sad thing is I always want to. It's only after a few weeks in that it his me - what did I get myself into? Sigh. |
You know, there's some nights where the only possible solution is to dance around your apartment in your pajamas listening to Stereo Total. I am proud to say that last night was one of those nights. |
Word 'em up - bounded out of bed at 6AM (well, that's a bit of an exaggeration, as it was more of a slow slide to cold floor) and threw my gym bag together. One sweaty most-hour later, showered off and came to work to discover that the bossman's not going to be in today in the leastest. That, my friends, is the ideal way to start the week. So now I'm munchin' on greens and getting work done and it's a pretty sizable basket of fantastic. Let's hope the weather (real and imaginary) holds. |
Hungoverslept a little late to go swimming this morning, but compensated by walking a long haul of Manhattan showing a new arrival the ropes. After that, I drank a lot of water and caught up on fuss and muss that needed to be busted. Took to bed early - wanted to hit the gym in the AM so stocked up on naptime. Engine's running clean and pure and it's a pretty quality feeling. |
Your breath is so bad that when you yawn, your teeth duck. Your breath's so bad, people on the phone hang up. Your breath is so bad your mouth is an EPA Superfund zone. Your breath is so bad, I don't know whether to give you gum or toilet paper. Your breath is so bad that I can see it. Your breath is so bad it's staining the walls. Your breath is so bad your dentist treats you by mail-order. Your breath is so bad that when you talk your nosehairs fall out. If breath was a flower, your breath would be the kind of flower a man buys for a woman he hates. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that you need a mint. |
Bossman's gone - househunting - so I'm all alone at my deskstation listening to Bola Sete (still the most beautiful music ever recorded) and wasting a day. Got some drawing done this morning but pretty much resigned the afternoon to wasting time talking snuff with my e-peeps, catching up on all their stories. Haven't heard from Bill re: Dokaka (we rescheduled again, complicated) so I'm goin' through my calendar to see what else is going down tonight. I'm happy to be alive and living here - hope you are too. |
Thursday - if all goes well, I'll be hanging out with Dokaka tonight, which I'm psyched as hell for. The plan originally was to put together a backing band for him and try to snag him a show at some local club, but leads dried up and the month went by so the act was never got-together. He's playing a WFMU show and other stuff - check the link for more. You won't want to miss them. |
Halfway through what has turned out to be a pretty epic and eventful week - lots going on both at work and outside, auditioning voice actors and project managing all over the place and drawing, drawing, drawing. This week has zipped by with tha quikness - lots to keep my little brain buzzing and occupied. I have to admit, I like that. |
Lots to do today - meetings and status reports and auditions and balancings and errands and I really need to get my glasses tightened as they're slip-sliding off of my face. Hopefully I can get it all handled and giftwrapped before my 7:30 yoga class and then get home in time to reheat some chicken tikka biryani, dip a fragrant piece of yesterday's garlic naan and drift quietly off into a shower. |
Empty office - blasted the Zombies and Wire from my tinny Macintosh internal speakers and luxuriated in the opportunity to finally get things done without anybody over my shoulder or under my thumb. Of course, I squandered a lot of it talkin' shit with my cyberpeeps, but what can you do? |
The mercury dropped to untenable levels today so with the exception of some brief errands I spent it inside, grinding away at the multiple comics that I need to have done by mid-March - some 20 pages total. Thankfully, Red Eye, Black Eye is finally ahead of schedule, so I can put that aside for a bit and not miss any weekly updates. As for these other things? They're longshots, but sometimes those pay off. |
Swallowing pride, went out to the song-poem thing at Northsix, which was more than worth it (despite the $25 door - Goddamn clubs milking romantic niggas for no real reason) - the documentary was hilarious and beautiful and NRBQ's song-poem set was equally good. As one of the current secret-projects is sort of song-poemy in nature, it was nice to get back to the roots of the art. And then I couldn't stand watching NPR yuppies canoodle anymore so I had to go. |
Under ladders; a black cat crossing the sidewalk; luck is a dumb game. |
![]() I should put more drawings here. |
Been feeling extremely asocial lately - it's the cold, mostly, but also a general feeling of falling behind. I haven't shaved all week, for instance, and I'm not really minding it too much. I doubt I'm going to go full-on mountain man hermit, but a little cave painting and making friends with ghosts wouldn't do me too much harm right now. |
Slept like a lout last night - worked into the deep hours and then hit the mattress with a resounding thud. Up at 6:30 to go to the gym and kickstart a hopefully-productive session of human consciousness. I am very distractable - the trick is making sure that every distraction gets something done. Let's try to keep the good at closehand and the bad at arm's length. |
Tax day - the accountant's here goin' over the company finances. I've sort of moved into the day-to-day maintenance of a lot of the accounting in the past year, despite not having anything resembling a head for figures, and now's the time where I get called on the carpet for all the mistakes I may have made. Let's cross our fingers and pray that there aren't too many, for my paycheck's sake. |
At the office, getting stuff done - updating pages, fixing up the store with some new products, including the long-awaited release of Evil Video 1 & 2 on DVD, finally. Swam two miles this morning - my arms falling asleep, blood not even close to willing to make the jaunt all the way down to my fingers and back. Hanging out with E. for the first time in a while tonight. We'll see how that goes. |
Cold, feeling bad - fat, ugly, hateful and hated - so instead of any major outgoing I stayed in, rigged up the four-track and practiced some parts for my bit of the secret-project. Not hungry anymore - twelve dollars of Mexican food now lasts me a solid three days. All I want to do is draw, make music and work out. What's wrong with me? |
Went to the gym with Rishi last night to learn me how to lift weights - I'm a bit of a slow learner. Since I'm built like a T-rex - huge, hulking thighs, ineffectual spindly forearms and an immense maw that can bite through a Honda Civic - hitting the weight bench is a pretty comical spectacle. But, like everything, it just takes a little work, and that's something I've got in spades. Now, if you'll excuse me, I can't really move my left arm. |
Work is insane - you have no idea how much ancillary nonsense goes into the production and release of a video game. And I'm not even a programmer or an artist - those guys are working nonstop. But somebody has to write the manual, design the promotional stuff, issue press releases, audition voice talent, in-game help, liason with the publisher and make sure everybody gets paid on time. And that somebody is me. |
Ran about three miles on the treadmill this morning - started burping madly halfway through the second so had to start slowing down a little bit. The interior systems of my body are a complete mystery to me - I've got a fair grasp on how things work on the outside, but when you get into those valves, pipes and sacks of fluid and guts, all bets are off. So I slowed down, gurgled off and went to take a shower - only to discover I accidentally took a hand towel! |
Watched a totally crunked-out madcap hong Kong action comedy called Cheese & Ham last night while drawing this week's comic - also cooked myself dinner (sort of) as part of my quest to spend less money and gain less chubadub. Tonight I take a yoga class and eat leftovers. Tomorrow? God only knows. Perhaps something... insane. I also started another secret project. I know you all love those. |
Finishing things up at the job - getting to use my cartooning chops for good not evil as we're producing a free giveaway comic for preorders and e3 and stuff. Since there's no way in hobbit hell I can draw a sci-fi extravaganza, I'm storyboarding and scripting and generally getting things ready for the artdepartment to churn out. It's kind of fun - and kind of stupid. |
February crashes in and it's not getting any warmer around here - got home at 5AM so spent most of the day sleeping it off. The Venetian Snares show was great - tons of resonant bass and noise, clicking, frantic beats and good times. Drank 5 Kirin out of the cans and crawled back on the C train for a two-hour slow communte back to bed - where I am now. Was then. |