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A few additional things about those ghosts: they leave behind a yellowish oil that produces more ghosts. If you touch it and get any in your eyes you will go blind. I thought about this for the entire train ride to Target today. |
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I have the rest of the week off so I'll catch up with y'all in the new year. Stay warm. |
Back to work, there's a grand total of three people in the office most of the day so I'm listening to shitty punk ant my desk and trying to clean things up before the end of the year. I am getting really fat lately, I need to start going to the gym again. I have no idea what my resolutions for 2005 are going to be. I did good on my 2004 ones but I don't really feel an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. Winter always slows me down too much -I think I need to split my time between here and the Southern Hemisphere. Anybody reading this in Brazil? |
I slept a lot of the day today, in between cleaning my room and drawing and playing video games and playing with the cat. I think I might be depressed but I am saying I'm just poor instead. I dunno. |
Karen and Jon threw a little Christmas party so I made a pot roast (mm, tender brisket - when it was fresh out of the oven you didn't even need a knife to cut it, it just fell apart off the fork) and trudged it out to Williamsburg on the G train. Got there to complete disarray - you'd think that if you were having people over, you'd wash your silverware? but we managed to get everything together and sat down to a lovely Santa Day feast. Headed home, sleepy and beef-suffused, and crashed out with cat. Merry Christmas, one and all. Hope it was lovely. |
Traditionally, as the spawn of a divorce, I would spend Christmas Eve with my Mom's side of the family and then off to my Dad's side on Christmas Day. Since I couldn't afford to go home for the holidays this year, I spent Christmas Eve going to the PO box, wandering the city and doing a little recording at home. |
Nobody in the office today, the lights are off and everybody's out getting ready to be with families or friends or whatever. Only my boss and I are here - he's Jewish and I'm thousands of miles away from my family. So I spin the day out, taking care of the last of the company holiday cards, doing the accounting, handling some missing vendors, and then the sun sets and I can't stay any more so I go home, to sleep through another year. |
Sleepy, unproductive, holiday loaf and rattle. It's getting very cold here and as such I am not accomplishing a whole hell of a lot. I am a few weeks behind on Red Eye, Black Eye and my desire to get it finished is armwrestling with my desire to lay in bed with the cat perched atop my knee reading Patricia Highsmith and listening to music. You can probably guess which is winning. |
XMAS! SHOPPING! IS! DONE! Went to the Post Office today to ship all the stuff off to the West Coast, phew, finally! I hope everybody likes everything. Just about all the cards have been mailed out as well - gotta buy a few more envelopes for the last batch. Man, I'm tired. But happy. It'll be 2005 soon, I'm a little freaked out about that turn of events. I mean, 2005 - that's like the future! |
Spent most of today in Queens - cold, rainy, not much impetus to go outside. Cleaned, wrote, drew, played with cat, played video games. E. came over to watch Arrested Development and brought amazing Jamaican food from a place in Greenpoint (whoa) and gave me the BEST Xmas present to date - maybe even better than the birthday present she gave me last year. I have been sleeping a lot lately - I think I may be part bear. |
Spent most of today in Queens - cold, rainy, not much impetus to go outside. Cleaned, wrote, drew, played with cat, played video games. E. came over to watch Arrested Development and brought amazing Jamaican food from a place in Greenpoint (whoa) and gave me the BEST Xmas present to date - maybe even better than the birthday present she gave me last year. I have been sleeping a lot lately - I think I may be part bear. |
Went to Phil Kline's annual Unsilent Night boom box ambient music parade thing today - as always, lovely, ringing, noisy, community fun. Then for some pizza with Alita & Dana and then home for a disco nap before going to a birthday party for a somebody I didn't know yet somehow running into a million people I did know while there. And then I collapsed a sleepy sleeping for the immediate future days. And then I sneezed, just now. |
Hello, upper lip. We ended up raising over $6000 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation, $800 of which was mine. The competition was fun and crazy and silly and very well-attended. I drank three Hoegaardens and had to run 30 blocks to Greenpoint to help E. saw the legs off of a couch, and then run 30 blocks back and drank 3 more Hoegaardens. I am queasy today, but clean-shaven. |
TONIGHT: The Stache Bash! at The Abbey (536 Driggs, between N 7th and N 8th; L to Bedford). Get there at 8:00 pm to see these glorious philantrhopic Mustaches jockey for position; the competition starts promptly at 9:00! It will be astonishing and mustached. And then I get to shave! |
Payday, going Christmas (YES AND CHANNUKAH) shopping tonight, hopefully going to be able to knock off half the list or so before the stores close. Woof. Then I gotta ship a bunch of it to the West coast for the family (and far West for Dad, especially) which entails my favorite - post office holiday lines! Hooray! And my post office is the Chinatown post office which means Chinese yelling and epic, epic lines. SANTA DO THIS FOR ME OK. |
This is one of the songs. So busy!!! |
"Hondled" from the last entry is from a B. Kliban cartoon where some people are walking into a room with "HONDLING CONTEST" on the wall but the man is wearing a huge sombrero and the bouncer is not letting him in. To hondle. Today was also a day for hondling - licked stamps for Xmas cards, assembled shopping lists, et cetera. Wednesday is going to be the big shopping day and hopefully I'll whittle the list down enough. Yay! I also need to finish some of these songs as Jesus, boy. But the verse structure is too complex, I moan! The melody too retarded! |
Still sniffly so pretty low-impact day, went into the office and finished up my Christmas cards, worked on the gift list and tried to get my sheez together for the upcoming holidays. Still have a ganga shopping to do, mailing, painting, drawing, et peter cetera into infinity, but I have the faith that it'll all get hondled. |
No surgery! The doctor was as flabbergasted as I was but we both bonded over not having to slice my finger open and drain pus out. So I'm on a five-day antibiotic regimen and ordered to keep in clean and come running back if any symptoms recur. Awesome! Sadly, the antibiotics ate up the last of my cash because my prescription copay kind of sucks rocks, but what can you do? I'd have had to get them anyways even with the surgery. I also have a head cold so I stayed in bed anyways. |
Delicious, delicious antibiotics. It weirdly kind of looks like it's getting better but I'm not counting any chickens. Dumped the change jar at the bank today - $12. Payday is Wednesday, I think? Yeah. Hopefully the PO box will show some love. I should not be allowed to shop around Christmas because I like buying presents too much. |
Took today off to see a man about my finger - it's some kind of infection (parasomethingorother) and he gave me antibiotics and scheduled me on Saturday for surgery. "If it gets better on its own," he said, "we won't have to do surgery. But it won't." So that's that. He gave me antibiotics and I am soaking it and Saturday he's going to put a knife in me and drain all the bad stuff out and I am not elated to hear that, let me tell you. Stayed home with the cat the rest of the day. Broke again. |
CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE: You find a York Peppermint Patty. fully wrapped, on the floor outside of your office. It has been a very long time since you ate a York Peppermint Patty. If you pick it up and eat it, go to page seven. If you throw it in the trash, go to page twelve. If you leave it there, go to page fifteen. |
My finger is starting to turn green so I have made a doctor's appointment, I hope I don't have to lose it because I use it for stuff like holding. Wow, gross. |
Back to work, my finger's still swollen so typing is a little slow but things are proceeding apace. Final Mustache Checkup before the big Stache Bash tonight - if you haven't pledged yet, please do! |
Woke up late, went down to the shelter to find that unprovoked they've changed their walking hours from 9-11 and 4-7, cutting out entirely the midday window that I was typically using to walk. Guess I'm gonna have to get up earlier on Sundays. Then home to catnap with cat, record a little, then off to Jackson Diner for some vindaloo that broke the top of my mouth. I have an ingrown fingernail and it really hurts, what should I do, Internet? |
Hey, it's December, and our allegiances to the Samoan calendar have been shed in exchange for a return to our standard 31-or-so day system. What do you want for Christmas? I am frantically hacking away at cards and gifts and other foolishness. TOday I have a reading at the Bowery Poetry Club (Lord Rex Fear's favorite hangout!) so you should come down to that as I will be reading selections from the NES manual for Dudes with Attitude and then we can go get tipsy. |