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04262004 | |
Another workweek begins |
Up and running, lots to do today as usual - going to see how 24 hours of drawing treated yesterday's hard workers, then to the dogs, hopefully, then call AK, see how she's feeling, then kickball probably. I have to remember to: eat. Sleep enough. Stretch. Aside from that, everything should be copacetic. Now to upload this week's worth of backdated diaries and be on my merry way. |
Pack'd full day of foolishness and non-foolishness, stopped by Hanley's to encourage the new batch of 24 Hour Comics Day attempters on their Sisyphean tasks, went to band practice only to find the drummer vanished (and later, to find him leaving the band entirely - anyone know a good pop drummer in the NYC area?), then out and about in the city trying to find this mythical 9-hour Messaien concert (you'd think I could hear it for blocks), and walkxhausted home, where I made some phone calls, pulled some strings and retired more than content. |
Back to work, rested and refreshed, catching up on the shit and garbage that yesterday left undone. It's Friday, though, so honestly I only have to do eight hours and I'm out for another two glorious days. AK and I were going to go up to Columbia to look at some stars but the atmosphere decided to cloud over and block our view of the firmament, plus it seems I loaned her my throat cold so I just bought her Mexican food and put her on a train uptown whilst I homed in on home, and bed. |
AK came over last night with bags of juice and salad and good tidings, put me to bed where I stayed for a half a day at least. Today I just took the sun, drank the fluids and relaxed as much as humanly possible - on doctor's orders! The swelling in my useless glands seems to have subsided for the most part, my throat is a large amount better, and I didn't have to go to work - everybody wins! |
End of an era - went to the doctor's for the first time in thirteen years today. My throat and glands had become unworkable and I needed to inaugurate the medical insurance anyways, so off to the doc I picked at random out of the zip code coverage list. Turned out to be an affable, talkative old dude with two hi-larious Italian nurse/assistants who constantly talked shit about everything as he was giving me my throat culture. Came back - negative? Not strep as originally thought, just a very sore throat. Staying home tomorrow. |
So today I successfully managed to go to the gym, thinking that I'd sweat out the lingering throatache and general crud-feel that's been occupying my uper quadrant for the last few days. This, then is foreshortening for what's to come. Ran three, headed to work feeling OK but as the day progressed crashed hard and fast, by six barely able to keep my head on my neck. Went home, to bed, bemoaning and bewailing. |
A day of some misfires - woke up early to go to the gym but found that I left my membership card in my other wallet, went to work early instead to try to find a workaround to the network crisis situation (unsuccessful so far but holding out hope), spent a day gazing longingly at the world outside and then home to update this thing for the last week or so, delayed reaction diary keeping news at arm's length and navels gazed closer every day. Tomorrow: it's Tuesday! |
I had planned to take a reasonable disco nap before heading out for kickball but my clock ran long and I woke up after the sun'd set. Having been dealing with a little throat cold, the only reasonable response was to place myself on the DL and hope to come back in time for next week's game. So back to bed I went, lubricated throat with cough drops and down for another seven hours and change of recuperatory slumber, confident that spring would still be here when I woke up. |
Spring is here with the passion of Mel Gibson - sun high in the sky, weather warm and mild with just enough gusting to keep me cool. Had a band practice so great I had to change my clothes afterwards and spent the rest of the afternoon on the street, walking a truly titanic distance from Queens to 14th street, aggregating friends for the midnight showing of the Apple, already acclaimed as one of the greatest movies ever made in my book. Post-that, sleep claimed AK and I into deathly embrace, welcomed. |
A nice little interview up with me here in which I discuss matters venal and sacred with equal zeal. That should keep you occupied o'er the weekend. |
Payday! Whoo! And right on time, too, as I was getting more than a little close to the edit checking-account wise. Too many shows gone to, too many meals bought for self instead of cooked, but whatever - life itself is a luxury. I'm certainly not going to scale back on Benjamins' account. Nonetheless, I need to find better ways of parlaying my meager skills into major cashola before the huge summer fund-sinks of travel and projects come into play - any suggestions from you, O wisdom teeth in the audience? |
The big problem with updating this site from stray moments on the roommate's computer is that he has an acre of seemingly indestructable spyware lurking on it due to his unstoppable Kazaa habit - so every four seconds, there's a new pop-up or system freeze or other nonsense, requiring me to save early and often. Yes, the office network is still royally fucked up, no we have no solution as of yet, maybe I'm going to have to beat somebody's nog in with a golf club. Those are my answers. |
I never thought I'd see somebody play air guitar to Amon Duul but lo, at the Sun City Girls / NNCK show tonight, beards omnipresent, it happened. I've rarely if ever been in a less testosteroned showcrowd, but half the people there seemed drawn in by recent mainstreamo press and had no idea what to expect, laughing awkwardly after every song. A mediocre show for them, but finally struck by how amazing a drummer Charlie Gocher is - making chaos seem intricately planned and plans seem spontaneous. Oh, you're not a music nerd? Then this entry means NOTHING! |
Back to the grind, a lot to get done today both professional and personal before the mad rush at the end of the month. The beta went out clean, finally, and now we're gliding towards the next step. As much as I complain, I'm actually pretty excited about this - a real computer game with my name in the credits, it's like a wet dream I had when I was eight. But after that? It's just another computer game and I don't ever want anything in my life ever ever to be "just another" anything. Time to bring the love and excitement back on the job. Suggestions? |
Showed up for opening day of this year's Brooklyn Kickball season and, surprise surprise - I suck at kickball! But I'm intent on giving it my best and hopefully by the time the All-Star game comes 'round I'll at least be able to serve as waterboy. It's been a good decade since I've had cause to catch a ball, oddly enough, and my fight-or-flight response systems had me cold-cocking it or running for the hills, neither of which is good for fielding. But that's how you learn! |
So I am waking up and writing an entire week's worth of entries before heading out to band practice - reaching back through the happy haze to recollect the events of a five-day steeleye span. It was a good one, in retrospect, and hopefully things will come correct at the office on Monday allowing me to keep this a little more current. But now? The sun's up and I really have to jet out of here - the outside world, as always, beckons. See you on the flip, Klax. |
Friday and I've got a lump in my throat - but not the good kind! Some kind of cold is going around and one of my lymph nodes is all SUP, NIGGA? and I'm all GOD DAMN YOU'RE HUUUUUUUUGE! and it's all YOU'RE GOD DAMNED RIGHT I'M HUGE NOW LET'S GET IT ON! and we fight. I lose, basically, but drink tons of water and hot tea to try to soothe my aggro throat. Get home and Caspere has cooked an enormous seafood feast so that and watching Spellbound again redeemed the evening, at least. |
I regret nothing!We impossibly clawed our way out of sleep to go to work this morning but it was a struggle all the way. For the rest of the day, I didn't give a crap about much of nothing, especially "doing" my "work." So a lot of corresponding and writing and sneakily Photoshopping a number of sneaky sneak secrets, working on some songs and generally eating up my 9-hour workday. The night was another quick bed collapse, and who can honestly blame me? Only God can judge me! 2PAC 4EVA (math!) I'm drunk. |
Walking with AK down 34th street from the Hi-Horse party at the Coral Room, seized with the midnight craving - disco fries! And wouldn't you know it, the perfect diner rises like Grendel from swamp, and we go drunkily inside to ask what nomen they refer to them as. Wouldn't you know it - "french fries with cheese and gravy." Awesome. Open container walking down the street to the subway, AK sniping the best fries (with my blessing) - and wait - that's all either of us ate all day! Going to regret this tomorrow. |
Spent most of today in the recording studio laying down voice talent for the game that the day-job's working on - a comfortable respite from my usual desk but I was so hungover and musty that it seemed like glacial days grinding me down to silt. After that, I heard the cool coo of my pajamas beckoning me home, so spent the remainder of the evening comfily ensconced and drawing. |
Peanut Butter Wolf / Madlib / J-Live / J-Roc / MF Doom show tonight, AK and I met up Midtown (as show was at BB King's hellhole and bloozeblau) and ate some impossibly overpriced sandwich before trucky truckin' on down. Show was great - packed wall-to-wall but we snagged a great sightline. The only flaw was mysterious vomity-ooze smell wafting from nowheres - between sets we were occupied sneakily sniffing nearby coats to isolate the funk. It was sweet relief when people started smoking up in the audience - sweet THC smell Pine-Soling out odious barf. Lots of dancing, throwing hands up, yelling along, and then exhaustion. |
Sunday morning, the daylight spring forward got me a little bamboozled but managed to meet Nao and Gil up in Harlem for Hellboy - fun little piece of trash, nothing amazing but a great choice for a matinee, and then up to Uptown Juice Bar for a roti and home, to rest the toe (cracked horizontally down the nail) and clean and listen to music and jam out and up and on into the moon forever!Yes! I am uploading the last five days of diaries now. What will happen when I return to the office tomorrow morning - will the network have healed itself and risen, whole? I doubt it. A lot. Ah well. |
Saturday, all fuzzled still, slept in, checked the PO (nothing good, for the second week in a row - where are all those fat checks and fancy pieces of merchandise that I've been waiting for?), went swimming for a bit but today was a gray waste - went home and stubbed my middle right to so hard that it's turned into a lump of purple and stinging. So, with that, stayed in, cleaned, listened to music in the pajamas, ate some General Tso's and generally froze. It's more than all right to have a teenage shutdown on occasion. |
Friday, sleepy and frazzled but the week's over, we missed another deadline at work (but it looks like only by a few days) and I'm still locked out of shortandhappy, pissing me off. I'm writing this at my desk, not knowing when I'm going to be able to upload it, hiding from my boss, cranky and foozled but somehow oddly content, too. It's weird, being separated from something you're used to doing every day - it makes you wonder if you need to do it at all. Horrors! |
Took AK out for dim sum after work and as part of our freewheelin' discussions that inevitably careen into ridiculous places, we invented Danny Napkin, world's most pussified bounty hunter. He doesn't carry a gun - instead, he feeds his targets delicious poisoned food until they collapse, and then he dabs lightly at the corner of his mouth with a napkin - it's his trademark! And then, off into the night, where a stray napkin-dab was enough to reduce me into paroxysms. Look for the first Danny Napkin adventure in a bookstore or truck stop audio cassette rack near you. |