Having a talent is a lot like having a pair of enormous,
weighty tits. You can't hide them, you can't deny
that they're a part of your life. Every waking moment,
it weighs upon you. I wonder if Chesty really appreciated
what she had, or if she regarded her unique talent
as a burden to her. In her films, she treats her
breasts in a disturbingly unerotic fashion; they
just lay there on her chest, occasionally she'll
clumsily manhandle them in a sorry imitation of
sexual pleasure, while dubbed-in moans echo through
the soundtrack. In "Deadly Weapons," her first film,
she uses her mams to suffocate gangsters; in "Double
Agent 73," she uses a spy camera implanted in her
left breast to photograph enemy agents. All Chesty
has going for her is her enormous, natural boobs.
And yet, somehow that's enough.