dear Scotts,
deeply regret that I am unable to write to you at
this time concerning matters more politically comfortable
and socially pleasant than that of the mob lawyer
C. William Beresford's brutal beating to death of
our good Christian attorney brother, David Scott in
August 1983. C. William Beresford murdered innocent
and otherwise totally uninvolved David Scott for the
sole psychopathic reason that Mr. Scott was conveniently
positioned for murder for isolation and furtive terrorism
purposes, being at that time the only partner of the
second, Chas. Talbot, of a series of three successive
attorneys I employed to represent me in my attempt
to divorce myself from the only daughter of Seattle's
willful bisexual organized crime U.S. domestic furtive
terrorist for money and psycho- pathic power English
Saxon Godfather, William J. Chase. As one might reasonably
conclude, the use of such insane and totally unconscionable
tactics as C. William Beresford's brutal murder of
David Scott combined with the well experienced skillful
employment of duplicitous sodomite con-artistry (confidence
gaining, manipulating, paternalistically subtlely
eroding and deliberately violating) resulted in each
of my attorneys eventually fearfully submitting to
this bisexual establishment embedded terrorist gang
and withdrawing from my case. I am now simply unable
to locate another attorney willing to represent me
under these bizarre but unfortunately true circumstances.
heterosexual's natural reservedness can occasionally
cause us to fall prey to certain sexual natity it
really should not come as any great surprise for us
to learn and maturely realize that intimidation based
dirty power structures are often bonded by dirty and
degrading sex and that there is no sex act more vile
and degradation oriented than that of male to male
anus penetration submission sex as practiced by William
Chase and C. William Beres- ford's Seattle establishment
embedded English Saxon white-city-thug-boy bisexual
sodomite power structure.
mature citizens of a democratic republic with the
looming threat of an ever-widening A.I.D.S. plague
descending upon our house, rapidly growing organized
gangsterism and increasingly rising numbers of seemingly
pointless psychopathic murders claiming the lives
of our young innocent and most defense- less citizens
we must quickly come to better understand the nature
and forces of criminal bisexuality. To begin doing
so we must first realize that male effeminate homosexuality
and bisexuality represent the two opposite sides of
the same societal schizophrenia and thus although
they share certain similarities, they are also quite
different from one another. In fact, although it is
the very existance of bisexuality and its anti-feeling
oppressive and suppressive power structures which
causes most effeminate male homosexuality as a natural
societal balancing reaction, bisexuals are quite literally
horrified by contact with effeminate homosexuals.
This ironic bisexual homophobia is perhaps in part
because homosexuals may, in fact, be better able to
recognize a "lady's man" bisexual to be in actuality
the homo- anus-sexual that the bisexual indeed is
rather than the super prim and proper super mature
and paternalistically wise macho-heterosexual that
the bisexual always attempts to the absolute limits
of audacity to project himself to be. You may recall
for example when and how Ronald W. Reagan upon discovering
there to be an effeminate homosexual among his staff
dismissed the homosexual White House staff member
out of apparent moral indignation. This seems quite
ironic when we realize that Mr. Reagan likewise is
also a homosexual, albeit a Hollywood Babylon macho
bisexual and thus comes from the opposite side of
the sexual spectrum from effeminate homosexuality.
Also unlike homosexuals, the power of the bisexual
rests entirely upon his ability to remain undetected
and in having his teflon paternalistically all knowing
front accepted as genuine while the intense paranoia
of discovery that that confident false front disguises
remains unseen or unadmitted. Thus it is only the
persecuted homosexual who wishes to come out of the
closet and live more honestly while the ever persecuting
bisexuals, if they are to come out of the closet must
be forcibly dragged out.
and bisexuals, each having been subject to unnatural
male sexual bodily penetration, acquire activated
female emotional polarities and are thus often far
more politically and emotionally sensitive and aware
vis-a-vis straight heterosexual males. However, unlike
homosexuals, bisexuals often instinctively seek and
require a female "mate" to maintain a semblance of
hormonal balance and a more convincing heterosexual
disguise while they secretly engage in their bisexual
network promiscuity. Also quite unlike the effeminate
homosexual, the bisexual acquires and develops a mentalist
rationalizing superman insanity complex believing
himself to be even more of a true man than any heterosexual
in so much as when the newly initiated bisexual submits
his own individual sexuality to the larger bisexual
male aggression worshipping intimidationist group
spirit and power structure, the bisexual initiate
then too acquires the sodomite group will and duplicitous
seduction (emotional rape) technique used to emotionally
ensnarl and enslave unsuspecting members of either
sex, though believing men to be superior to women
the bisexual prefers to sexually degrade the men more
than women. That is to say there is far more demented
ego gratification for the bisexual when he can sexually
degrade another male than in sexually degrading a
female.The bisexual is unable to level and thus always
assumes the holier- than-thou paternalistic higher
ground from which he addresses all others in a condescending
manner. As earlier indicated the bisexual perceives
himself as being far more mature and worldly wise
than heterosexual males from which he rationalizes
himself to have graduated into the "higher" sexual
power awareness of collective sodomite will. In fact
he regards all hetero- sexual males as potential and
future bisexuals when they become "mature" like himself.
These anal-sex criminally insane males are deeply
into image projection and believe that all truth is
simply a matter of mental perception. To the extent
that those around the bisexual accept the audacious
paternalistic sodomite at face value - that is, for
the mature all-wise all-knowing "men" that he demands
others perceive him to be continually adds to the
bisexuals own belief in the illusion of the unconquerable
power of the two face lie and vindictive intimidation.
Above all else the bisexual develops the art of ignoring
and avoidance. You may have noticed for example how
Ronald W. Reagan, though president of a nation faced
with the crisis of teenage pregnancies and a widening
A.I.D.S. epidemic, conveniently ignores and avoids
the subject of sex calling it an X-rated subject.
Of course, in fact, sex is only dirty and X-rated
if one believes that the ultimate purpose of sex is
to degrade one's partner as bisexuals so believe.
They also understand and take advantage of the general
population's predilection for conveniently ignoring
that which is unpleasant. Thus C. William Beresford
and his Saxon bisexual partner felt confident that
they could murder a Scott with absolute impunity -
that people would ignore and forget about the brutal
murder of David Scott with the passage of a brief
period of time.
are particularly dangerous to heterosexual males since
part of their tactics in emotionally ensnarling isolating
and converting their individual targets is to befriend
the unsuspecting heterosexual on the basis of portraying
themselves to be just the opposite of what they really
are - i.e. as being fiercely and only interested in
females when in fact their only motive for befriendment
is to ultimately satiate their demented egos by patiently
and collectively emotionally traumatizing and destabilizing
their target of feigned male befriendment and into
eventually submitting to anal sex. Given to intense
manipulation the bisexual believes that besides lying
and intimidation all power is ultimately derived from
the security of money and thus seeks to control financial
institutions and positions over other people's means
of livelihood. When they attack a heterosexual it
is primarily in the victim's ability to make a living,
a major source of everyone's emotional stability and
sense of independence. Seeking also power positions
within the legal and police apparatus these defective
criminals seek to destroy individual by individual
in a classic divide isolate and conquer strategy.
Furthermore, when put in leadership positions the
bisexual is highly skilled at milking the creativity
and balanced moral reasoning of heterosexual subordinates
until such time that the heterosexual becomes too
close to the truth and is then either summarily dismissed
or subject to intimidation indoctrination or both.Not
wishing to sound overly alarmist but these bisexual
intimi- dationists link up with one another via their
common paranoia and emotional unspoken furtive power
understanding and are rapidly becoming our beloved
nation's defacto power structure, particularly within
our financial, legal and police institutions. In Seattle,
besides the Mafia attorneys of Beresford Booth Baronsky
and Trompeter this organized crime psychopathic sodomite
network includes City Attorney Douglas N Jewett, King
County Judge George T. Mattson, court commissioner
Martin M. Ozntio and Court executive director Robert
J. McCannell. Besides the murder and cover up mentioned
this woman hating bisexual organized crime network
is responsible for the Green River young woman murders
and much of the Northwest's illegal narcotics trade.
In their dealings with me they have issued and dispersed
official looking court document upon document to those
around me including a warrant for my arrest though
I have broken no laws. I have appealed repeatedly
to Mayor Charles Royer to end this harassment of me
but to no avail. Now I urge you to help me demand
an end to this murder cover up and to begin an investigation
into C. William Beresfords's brutal murder of our
do not allow him to get away with this murder.
Bob Bagley