may seem confusing to the more semantically inclined,but
John Darnielle is the Mountain Goats.
man, two hands,one guitar, one band (two bands if
you count the Extra Glenns, John's side project with
Franklin Bruno, ex-Nothing Painted Blue.) Sadly, that
parenthetical statement will prove totally incomprehensible
to non-indie rockers, but the Goats should not be
the domain of cardiganed kool kids and suchlike -
they should be acclaimed as the true natural wonder
that they are. John's lyrics cut straight to the innards;
there's no mistaking his simultaneously jovial and
morose delivery; and about his frenetic, crazed guitar
strumming, the more said the better. People who don't
like the Mountain Goats are automatically put on my
"don't-trust" list, and that list can have all sorts
of catastrophical ramifications. So far, their best
release is the astonishing "Nothing for Juice," but
as far as I know, they've never put out a shitty record.
Thor Top Ten Pick Hits of Songs By The Mountain Goats
That I Can't Stop Singing, Even Though People Threaten
To Fuck My Shit Up:
Caesar 2000"
"Going To Scotland"
"Hot Garden Stomp"
"Waving At You""
Going To Georgia"
Corinthians 13:8-10"
"Going To Lebanon"
"Going to Queens"
exists an astonishingly
completist Mountain Goats website put up by some
guy at Duke University. Sadly, if not oddly enough,
this guy's other musical interests tend to run more
toward Phish. Oh well, nobody's perfect, and this
site, while a wee tad ugly, delivers the total goods;
lyrics, chords, letters, set lists, weird secret information
that I never knew, etc. Buy the records, and fall
in love with falling in love again.